Legislative report February 6, 2025

After the usual preliminary ceremonies and the initiation of new members, several bills of interest have been introduced in the General Assembly. Additional bills will be forthcoming. 

Senate Bill1. The “Fair and Safe Athletic Opportunities Act” by Senator Dolezal with active support from the Lieutenant Governor addresses the issue of transgender students participating in high school and college sports. The bill defines male and female based on birth identification and prohibits males from participating in competition against all female teams. Females can participate against male teams if there is no comparable female sport. The bill applies to public schools but involves independent schools when they are in competitions with public schools. 

SB 1 has passed the Senate and it has moved to the House where a similar bill has been introduced. 

Senate Bill 36. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act proposes criteria for individuals and organizations to lawfully avoid compliance with state laws which conflict with their religious beliefs. The language of the bill tracks federal law on the same subject. In past sessions, the Conference has supported this legislation, but we have been cautious so as to avoid the potential for discrimination. 

House Bill 123. This bill is the latest attempt to reduce the standard of proof for imposing the death penalty on defendants who have intellectual disabilities. The bill would add a pretrial hearing on intellectual disabilities of a defendant in a death penalty case and it would require proof of intellectual disabilities by preponderance of the evidence rather than the more difficult beyond a reasonable doubt standard. 

Georgia Catholics Against the Death Penalty is joining other anti-death penalty and disabilities support groups have scheduled an advocacy day for Wednesday, March 12, Bishop Shlesinger is scheduled to speak at that day’s press conference. 

Gun Related Regulation. There are several bills related to regulation of guns. Most are introduced by Democrats and will have a difficult time moving through the process. HB 79, however, proposes a tax credit for certain eligible expenses incurred for firearm safe handling instructional courses and firearm secure storage devices. HB 79 has a possibility. The Conference will follow this bill. 

Post expires at 8:09pm on Saturday February 6th, 2027