Governmental policy and legislation report No. 16

U.S. Supreme Court opinions. The United States Supreme Court has issued several opinions that are significant to the Church and its people. Each of these cases will have an impact and they will all affect legislation at the federal and state level in the coming years. Dobbs v. Jackson health system overturned Roe v. Wade, … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No. 15

DACA was intended as temporary. When the Obama administration adopted the Deferred Action Childhood Arrival (DACA) program in 2012, it was intended as a temporary program to defer deportation of young people who had been brought to the United States as children. Unfortunately, despite various proposals, there has been no permanent legislative help for these … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No. 14

Congratulations to Cardinal-Elect Robert McElroy. As bishop of San Diego, Cardinal-elect McElroy is responsible for a diocese which serves many of the immigrants passing through from Mexico. Read more here. Did you know that CLINIC has a state and local immigration project? Most law related to immigration is federal in nature, but there are important … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No. 12

When will the Supreme Court issue the final opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Care Organization? Speculation continues as to when the final order will be issued in the case that may reverse Roe v. Wade. The short answer is that no one outside the court knows for sure. We know that the court … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No.9

Blessed and happy Easter to all as we continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and other areas experiencing armed conflict around the world. Welcoming and protecting refugees. The world is experiencing rapidly increasing numbers of refugees. In the media, they may be portrayed as criminals, terrorists and worse, but through Christian eyes, they are … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No.8

Keep Ukraine in your prayers. Read the stories of seven who fled and visit for all the latest information today! The Georgia General Assembly completed its 2022 session on April 4. Below are significant results from that 40 day session. Bills that have passed can be vetoed by the Governor within forty days from … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No.6

The Georgia General Assembly continues to work through its agenda with some bills advancing, some bills changing and some bills falling by the wayside. “Cross-over Day is March 11 and last day of session (“sine die”) is April 4. Restrictions on Chemical Abortions. SB 456 has passed the Senate and moves to the House for … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No. 5

Congratulations to Bishop-designate Jacques Fabre, C.S. Read more about the new bishop of Charleston, SC, particularly his service in Georgia. Bishop-designate Fabre is a member of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles – known as Scalabrinians – an international community of religious serving migrants and refugees of different cultures, religions and ethnicities in … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No.4

Restrictions on chemical abortions. SB 456 (formerly identified as SB 315) imposes restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs which may now be administered without professional medical supervision. The bill would require that a qualified physician examine the pregnant woman in person. No abortion pills or chemical could be delivered by courier, delivery or mail … Read more

Governmental policy and legislation report No.3

How to help refugees from Afghanistan. Catholic Charities Atlanta is actively engaged in resettling refugees from Afghanistan. Resettlement needs include financial contribution, donations of household items and volunteers. Get more information here. Also, read the Justice for Immigrants resource page for up to date information.Religious worker application backlog. Religious workers from other countries can enter … Read more