Informe legislativo y de política gubernamental no. 9

Feliz Pascua para todos mientras continuamos orando por la paz en Ucrania y otras zonas que experimentan conflictos armados en todo el mundo.

Welcoming and protecting refugees. The world is experiencing rapidly increasing numbers of refugees. In the media, they may be portrayed as criminals, terrorists and worse, but through Christian eyes, they are our sisters and brothers in need. United States law makes lawful entry difficult when refugees appear at our borders, particularly at our southern borders where asylum seekers from Central and South America. Now refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine are seeking refuge from wars in their countries. Read about the Christian approach. Also, read the background of the Remain in Mexico policy, which is endangering many refugees who must wait long periods of time to even have their cases heard.

¿Qué está haciendo la Iglesia por los refugiados? El Papa Francisco habla con frecuencia de la necesidad de humanizar a los migrantes y refugiados y verlos como nuestros hermanos y hermanas, como lo hizo recientemente durante su visita apostólica a Grecia. Vea los programas que apoya el Servicio de Migración y Refugiados de la USCCB.  

Post expires at 6:18am on lunes diciembre 30th, 2024